What is Alphabiotics?

Alpha: first, primary, important.

Biotics: having to do with life and living.

Certified Developmental Alphabioticists assist people interested in taking a proactive stance against the weakening effects of persistent physical, chemical, mental, spiritual, and emotional chronic stress. 

Alphabiotics is about cause-correction, stress recovery, and life enhancement. In Alphabiotics, we do not prescribe drugs or medical treatments. Similarly, Alphabioticists do not perform spinal adjustments and they do not provide mental health counseling.

The alignment process

The Alphabiotics Alignment involves a process of unification of brain hemispheres and integration of higher levels of life force. This is a remarkably quick process that is easily integrated into our modern day busy lives.

The alignment is done with an understanding that “The Innate Wisdom” of the body, in the individual, is what guides and directs all the processes of healing, growth, and evolution. Alphabiotics assume that Human beings are whole-brained in their natural state, not over-stressed.

Stress increases the production of the stress hormone, Cortisol. cortisol compromises your ability to fight off disease and infection, increases aging, can cause weight gain, insomnia, fertility problems, and even stunt growth in children.

Everyone reacts to stress differently.

Each body sends out its own set of red flags. According to the American Psychological Association, some people may not even feel the physical or emotional warning signs until hours or days of persistent stressful activities.  The warning signs of stress are not to be taken lightly or ignored. Noticing how you respond to stress, you can manage it better and in healthy ways, which will help your body correct itself, reducing the high cost and care of chronic, long-term health problems.

Humans are not adapted to the pervasive complex stress of modern times. Our stress levels are doubling every 10 years and it’s compounding. Recent research suggests that anywhere from 60 to 90 percent of illness today is stress-induced. 

Alphabiotics primary focus is cause correction. In a matter of seconds, this gentle, non-invasive, hands-on process sends a sensory input to the brain that a defensive stress response is no longer necessary. The result: muscular tension drops, weak muscles strengthen and energy increases to all parts of the body.

The Alignment process is a hands-on delivered sensory signal; a stress-pattern interrupt that allows the wisdom of the body to better do its job of regulating, controlling and coordinating physiological function, as well as normal mental activity. Strength is restored, brain fog lifted and people’s lives begin to work better on all levels.